Electricity is a finite energy resource, and thus one must understand how to reduce its consumption. Furthermore, the cost of electricity has been gradually skyrocketing to the point of taking up a huge chunk of everyone’s budget.
The following are ways to reduce the electricity consumption rate in your households.
Unplug Unused Appliances
Most modern appliances have a standby feature that allows the device to consume energy even when left idle. These appliances consume much less power in standby mode than they do when they are in full use. However, standby mode still contributes to energy consumption if those appliances are still plugged in.
Households with many appliances consume more electricity compared to those with few devices. For example, a 40-inch LCD TV consumes 2.19 kilowatt-hours (kWh) in a month when in standby mode, which translates to 26.28 kWh annually. The total energy utilized in a household with a DVD player, audio system, mobile phone, laptop, printer, and power tool charger is over 50 kWh per month. It is, therefore, necessary to switch off these devices at the socket to minimize their energy use.
Purchasing Energy-Efficient Machines
Appliances with a higher rating save more on electricity. Household appliances such as fridges account for more than a fifth of your house's electric consumption. Generally, energy-saving machines save about half of the energy used per year.
An energy-efficient machine can greatly cut your electricity costs; thus, when buying washing machines, pick the front-loader models. Switching from your old appliances to energy-saving devices allows you to save electricity costs over the years.
In turn, you get to cut down on electricity costs bearing in mind the continuously rising cost of electricity. Therefore, it is essential to purchase energy-saving appliances to reduce electric consumption.
Switch On the Air Conditioner in Advance
It is ideal to limit air conditioners to only hot days. You might want to check the weather forecast for the day's temperatures. Switch on the air conditioner before temperatures rise and lock up the house during expected hot days. In turn, the air conditioner lowers the temperatures inside the house in advance. Therefore, the conditioner consumes less energy and also cools the house. On expected winter days, warm the home in advance and preserve the warm air inside.
Use LED Lights
LEDs have a longer lifespan compared to ordinary bulbs. LEDs produce reduced amounts of heat and thus reduce cooling charges. LEDs cut down up to 90% of the energy used in lighting. Although LEDs are pricier than traditional bulbs, they use less energy.
In addition, adopting the timers to switch on and off the security lights at dawn and dusk ensures minimal use of electricity. Furthermore, you can use photosensors to detect the time of the day to switch on or off the lights in your room. Ensure you put off the lights in your room when you leave the house or during the day.
Proper Refrigeration
Set the thermostat to regulate a constant temperature. The ideal temperature to set your fridge ranges between 40°F. When you set the fridge temperatures incorrectly, the energy consumed increases.
Remember to ensure that the coils at the rear are free from dust that pile on the condenser. Failure to do so your electricity consumption rises significantly. Check whether your refrigerator's doors can be appropriately closed since faulty doors release cold air. As a result, your fridge will use more electric energy to cool. Additionally, refrain from unnecessarily opening the refrigerator to save the fridge's energy consumption.
Follow an Energy Management System
The majority of energy management systems are effective in checking your electricity consumption. It is important to be aware of the location and time of electric power usage. Moreover, your energy management system might not help you control your electric bills if you do not know when and where electricity is used. This lack of information might stem from the failure to meter the main load. The first step to lowering energy consumption is asking yourself where, when, and how energy is used.
You can also hire an expert to look into your electricity usage and identify incidences of energy wastage. Homes that have poor power factors use electricity inefficiently. During on-peak periods, your electric utility will have to generate more power adequate for all its customers. However, this is expensive since the machines constantly generate power, and the consumers bear this cost.
It is advantageous to enroll in demand management or demand response (DR) programs if your utility company offers such services. Collaborate with your utility company to manage your use or take charge of your usage. Participating in DR programs gives consumers who reduce their electricity usage during on-peak periods some money back. Try using some of the energy-intensive devices during off-peak demand periods. Using electricity during off-peak seasons prevents an incurring high electric demand charge and reduces energy wastage.
Electricity power consumption is significantly reduced by up to 90% through the various ways discussed above. When leaving your house, ensure that you switch off the appliances and the lights. The next time you shop for an electrical appliance, ensure you pick energy-saving devices. It is essential to know when, where, and how the energy is used in your facility to control electric demand charges.